Today we are going to introduce you guys with Samsung Galaxy S7 Camera Lens Cover that has two lenses, one is telephoto lens while the other one is wide angle lens. Both are made with unique premium stainless steel and are specially designed for photography lovers. You can capture amazing photos with these lenses. Wide angle lens helps to capture more area and is perfect for landscape shots.
How To
How To Do Galaxy S10 Internet Speed Test with Apps?
Want to know How Fast your Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G or LTE internet connection is? Want to know the answer of this question that How to Do Galaxy S7 Internet Speed Test? If yes, that is why I am here. The answer to your question is really simple. Thanks to the app developers who are always in the run to provide you all the answers to which you are looking for. There are number of apps that can help you to do your work and even more to test internet speed either 3G or 4G or even WiFi speed on your Samsung Galaxy S10 or Galaxy S10 Plus Smartphone.
How To Fix Galaxy S7 Edge Pink and Green Tint on AMOLED Screen?
Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are the latest Android Smartphone Flagships from Samsung and despite of many advantages over other phones. These devices are suffering with pink and green tint on AMOLED screens. We at S7 Fan Club are really sad to report this incident here. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge costed us around $800 and its a flagship device from Samsung, its suffering with purple and green tint. There are different pink colored lines which do appear and disappear occasionally.
You Might Like To Read: How To Fix Samsung Galaxy S8 Red Tint Issue?

Which Are 5 Best Galaxy S10 SMS Scheduler or Text Automation Apps?
Android, being one of the most used Operating Systems in the world is fully loaded with the number of features that you can’t even imagine. It even lets you to Schedule your Message on Samsung Galaxy S10, so that it might send to the specific person on the right time. For example, we want to wish our friends a very happy birthday on his day, but due to our memory, it is very easy for us to forget that. But fortunately, we have now, provided with the number of SMS scheduling apps with which you do not need any reminder. Here is the list of the best SMS Scheduler Galaxy S10.
How To Enable Adaptable Storage On Galaxy S7 & Edge? (Merge Internal Storage With MicroSD Card)
If you’ve been following the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge, you may have read that adoptable storage, a Marshmallow feature that lets you use the microSD card just like internal storage, is missing. The S7s do include a feature where you can move apps to SD card, but it’s not quite the same. The good news? You can enable the feature using ADB and it seems to work great, including in hybrid (‘mixed’) mode. This feature easily allows to move apps to sd card while you have had converted your microSD card into adaptable storage.

In order to set adoptable storage up, you will need a computer with working ‘adb’ and, of course, a microSD card in your phone, the faster the better (I personally use a 200GB SanDisk MicroSD Card in my own device. Here’s the process!
How To Move Galaxy S7 Apps & Games To SD Card?
This quick guide will explain how to move apps & games to the Galaxy S7 or Edge microSD card. After ditching the feature on last years Galaxy S6, many were extremely happy to see Samsung returned the micro-SD card slot on the Galaxy S7.
However, it doesn’t use Android 6.0 Marshmallow adoptable storage feature where the phone thinks it’s internal storage. As a result, many thought we wouldn’t be able to move apps to the SD card, but you can. It just takes some digging around in the storage settings.
How to Play PSP Games on Galaxy S10 with PPSSPP?
No doubt, there are number of people who would die around for the games of PSP. Well it is undoubtedly true but not all the people want to have the second device for playing games when we are constantly lugging around for tablets, laptops and more importantly – our Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. It does not matter which thing you are lugging for, you definitely have love for the PSP games like GTA etc. If you are one of them, then I have good news for you. You can play the PSP games now on your Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus as well with Galaxy S10 via PPSSPP PSP Emulator App.