When you are not having that six-digit salary, spending money wisely is a really tough task. Often happened that your salary just arrived and you don’t know how to handle it, where to spend and where to save. Well, if you are confused about spending your money wisely, the advancement in technology has got your back.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC App for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
When it comes to photo editing, no software can beat our very own Photoshop from Adobe. But how can you enjoy the same features from Photoshop on your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8? Thanks to Adobe that has finally launched the mobile version of Photoshop Light-room CC App on the Play Store. Make sure to check out Best Samsung Galaxy Mobile Apps Collection.
If you are looking to get that mobile version of Adobe Photoshop on your Android phone, here’s what the app is like. Scroll down and have a closer look at the features of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC.
Weather Forecast App for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
Technology has advanced enough to keep us informed about the weather. Although the weather cannot be predicted, however, a number of apps come close. If you are going to pursue the best weather forecast among a plethora of apps on the Play Store, you might find it quite difficult to reach the best one. Make sure to check out the Best Samsung Mobile Apps Collection.
Jungle Heat War of Clans Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
After the Armored Warfare Assault, the game that we on our board for all the gamers out there is called Jungle Heat: War of Clans.
Just as the title suggests, this game is all about ruling the jungles. So if you want to be that one master of the jungle, get this extraordinary game on your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8. Read on to know what Jungle Heat: War of Clans has got for you.
Jungle Heat War of Clans Feel the Heat on Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
Ire Blood Memory Action Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
Being a hardcore RPG fan is not that easy. You will have to wait and wait until a new and extraordinary game launches. Fortunately, your wait is over because we have something that can blow your mind with its action moves and weapons. Yep, if you are one of the Hardcore ARPG fans, this post is especially dedicated to you.
Ire Blood Memory – An Action RPG for your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
With the frightening story-line and extremely amazing graphics, Ire: Blood Memory game by Tenbirds is probably the right alley that you can find on your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8. So if you want to get yourself immersed in this extraordinarily action-packed game, here’s what you can expect.
Head Boxing Action Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
If you have been a fan of the boxing, you will definitely love Head Boxing – a game by D&D Dream Corp. Although the game Head Boxing is a new title on the Play Store in boxing niche, however, the Head Sports franchise is a well-known name that has got a number of titles under its belt including Head Basketball and Head Soccer.
Head Boxing – An Over the Top Boxing Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
So if you want to enjoy some satisfyingly violent boxing game on your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8, then here’s what Head Boxing Game is about.
Glitch Dash Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
If you are a man on the Mobile Gaming Quest to play a fresh game every day, we have got your dose to fulfill your inner gamer’s gaming needs. Yep, today the game that we have on board for review is called the Glitch Dash that is available on the Google Play Store for your Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8. This one is the 3rd game from David Marquardt on the Play Store and unlike the other two, this one is seriously insane. Make sure to have a look at Samsung Best Mobile Games Section for latest exciting game reviews.
Dumb Ways to Die 3 Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 | S8 | S9 | Note 8
Without any doubt, the Dumb Way to Die is a runway success for the developers – Metro Trains and why not, the series consists of all the basic elements that can make any gamer fall for it. Yeah, it has got cute little characters, the strong story-line, and great graphics. Not only this, the series started out as a public service announcement video about the safety around trains and grew into successful game series that has recently launched its third version – Dub Ways to Die 3: World Tour.
Dumb Ways to Die 3: World Tour – Dumbest Yet Enjoyable for Samsung Galaxy S7, S8, S9, Note 8
Dude Theft Wars Game for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge | S8 | S9 | Note 8
Don’t you love playing Sandbox Simulator games on your mobile phone? We all do, but unfortunately, there are not so many options for these games available on the Play Store for the gamers but, luckily with the release of Dude Theft Wars, we are expecting to experience much more than that of the GTA.